Superwinch has maintained an outstanding reputation within the marketplace based upon their superior design, reliability and value. The brand includes a wide range of consumer and industrial winch products, including electric winches, power drives, hydraulic winches and recovery accessories.

Westin is pleased to announce that we have added Superwinch to our family of quality automotive products. Superwinch has been a global market leader and manufacturer of electric and hydraulic winches and accessories for over 45 years and the tradition will now continue. The Superwinch brand is synonymous with quality, durability and innovation and has a loyal following among off-road enthusiasts, agricultural, military and industrial users alike.

Trailer Winches

Medium Duty

Heavy Duty

Service & Parts
At Alamo Auto Supply, we believe in crafting strong relationships through reliable service and products. You can find parts, and register your liftgate at Alamo, we’re an authorized dealer. For additional service needs, contact us by clicking the button below. We’re here to help.